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Sunday, June 14, 2020

High-Density Immune Vaccine (HDIV) to be explored for fighting COVID-19

(A research article published in IJARIIT Journal dtd. 01-April-2020)

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus and it spread across geographies, genders and occupations. It appears to plague people ubiquitously including children who, despite hopeful early reports, do not seem more immune to the virus. At present there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments against COVID-19 but there is no specific vaccination to restrict. However, a common statement from all researcher that high immunity patient can fight with it and get recovered. Therefore, needs to develop high-density immune vaccine or medicine to treat COVID-19. Some possible ways to move research forward to create immune vaccine or medicine are proposed herein. 

1. Proved facts about COVID-19 / Corona 

All most 85% patients recovered from COVID-19 / Corona virus because of their high level of internal immunity system with added medicinal supplements provided during the treatment on observed symptoms. On other side low immunity patients are not able to sustain the infection of COVID-19 and finally get deceased. This situation proved that only high immunity system will save the human being from this dangerous virus till the antidote comes. 

2. Treating procedure and further challenges 

At present medication on the hazardous symptoms like throat infection, cough, cold and fever are being used to treat the patient and it results positively to keep healthy during the virus active mode. Once the active mode of virus over due to antivirus immunity power then patient become recovered fully. But in case of low immunity patients it doesn’t deactivate and damaged the respiratory system which further cause for the death. 

To increase immunity following thoughts to be explored by researcher, scientist and doctors; 

a. High-density immune vaccine 

Increasing immunity is fine to fight COVID-19 / Corona before it affects to human respiratory system. But now the question is that how immunity can be increase? and is it possible to create the high-density immunity booster vaccine or medicine? The answer is YES because immunity is the combination of organs, cells and chemicals that fight infection (microbes). The main parts of the immune system are white blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow. All these are the parts of human immune system that actively fight against any infection. We can use these parts to recombine with each other and create the high-density immune vaccine or medicine for affected and unaffected person. This is the one way to explore by recombining the parts of immunity boosting elements. 

b. High immune system donor (Immunity soldier) 

Another way is just like to take a soldier by one country from other to fight against enemy. In this case COVID-19 / Corona is the enemy of human life and some strong human being are self-sufficient by their immune system and able to fight COVID-19 / Corona which is to be further explored as DONOR to transferred their high-density immune system into the weaker one’s body. The concept is simple as to donate the blood but by taking out only high-density immune organism from the stronger one (Donor) to insert in the body of weaker one (accepter) by crating vaccine. But in this case, there are so many challenges like how to separate high-density immune organism from donor? how to take out them? Can injection possible biologically? etc. Some of the questions have already answered by researcher in other diseases. Now the more research from scientist, biologist needed by considering above aspect. 

3. Conclusion 

Now the time comes to think destroy COVID-19 / Corona by researching antidote / Vaccine / medicine. We may create the high-density immune vaccine for fighting against COVID-19 / Corona by way of recombining the high immune elements or by exploring high-density immune vaccine through donor. These are some ways may be useful to Scientist, Researcher, Biologist and Doctor for further research to save life from this human killing virus.

- Rani Amol More

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